Live or Recorded;
sold in 2-week blocks
How it works . . .
10 Live Online Classes per predefined two-week period
Classes for all levels
CLASS PASS — includes Live and Recorded classes
Choose ONE, TWO, or UNLIMITED live classes
SUBSCRIPTION — includes Recorded classes only
Morning Cuppa Yoga (Yoga 1 level class) – This Sunday morning session is a balanced practice for anyone. Well thought-out sequences with a pointed focus on breath; also includes elements of slow, fluid movement, alignment-based asana (postures), core stability, healthy mobility and self-reflection. Modifications are provided, and more challenging variations are also offered.
Gentle Yoga Jam (All-levels class) – Linda brings variety and jazzlike improvisation to this Tuesday midday practice. This class is accessible to all and offers something different each week, alternating between or blending elements of gentle flow, restorative, and somatic practices, and some surprises, too!
Wisdom Flow (Yoga 2 level class – Alignment-based Vinyasa Flow) – This mindfully sequenced flow class is a vigorous style of yoga that awakens the deep connection between breath and movement. This dynamic style of yoga highlights the ujjayi breath (victorious breath), balanced strength, supported flexibility and inspiring insights along the way. Options are always offered!
T.G.I. Yoga (All-levels class – Thank goodness it’s yoga!) – This end-of-the-week practice offers something for everyone. The foundations of the practice are taught in this themed class. These important pillars include focus on the breath, dynamic balance, sound alignment and the interplay of effort and ease. Options will be given to modify and to create more challenge. This practice finishes with guided meditation.
Step Away. Experience a Transformation.
A retreat is a perfect way to step away from your day-to-day to decompress and relax, reflect and renew. It's also a great way to give your yoga practice a boost in the company of like-spirited souls. Join us for a transformative experience.